Image and Text experimentation

experimentations with typed text from a transcription of the interview.

 The transcription of my interview with Jamie ran to 12 A4 pages and when I tried to run the text underneath his image, I ended up with this. It is not a feasible amount of text to exhibit with an image and so I had to rethink the best way to combine the two.

Layered text emphasises the idea of the conversation belonging to this person, but obscures the image somewhat. A very subtle effect is gained on the left, with increasingly more visible text to the right. The grey text creates a dull effect and does not work as well but I quite like the aesthetic of the image on the right.

I layered the 12 individual pages of typed text over each other to create this illegible mass of words, that represents the mass of ideas Jamie had and the information he wanted to get across. It suggests the overlapping nature of conversation and the repetition and cyclical nature of the voices. Occasional phrases and words are legible amongst the layers, which I like.

A highlighted quote from the interview gives more of an insight into Jamie's voice and views.

 A series of quotes to give a sense of who Jamie is and what he is about

I started to experiment further with the layout and size of the page. The text here overlaps Jamie's face, linking him to the words and also creating a link between the image and text, rather than maintaining separation between the two. There are different sizes of fonts, which create visual interest and also suggest the differing importances of Jamie's utterances. One quote stands out, to give a sense of his voice and stance. I feel this is starting to give the aesthetic I would like.